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Which Dental Implants Are the Best


3 min read

May 22



dental implants Chandler

Getting dental prosthetics can restore your smile by replacing missing teeth. Whatever your reason is to opt for artificial teeth, choosing the right type of dental implant can be tricky. Various factors need to be considered when it comes to undergoing an implant placement procedure. This blog highlights the special features and benefits of some of the popular types in implant dentistry. So, let’s dive deeper to understand how a dentist in Chandler might help you figure out your ideal implants. 

Dental Implant Materials

Implants are usually made up of high-quality materials for durability and enhanced strength. Though there are many options to choose from, let’s discuss the top trends in implant materials. 

Titanium: The Gold Standard

Implants, when made with titanium, can serve for decades, promoting better longevity and stability over other biocompatible materials. Through osseointegration titanium posts fuse with the jawbone, creating the strongest foundation to support dental crowns or artificial teeth.  

Zirconia: The Metal-Free Alternative

Many patients don’t respond well to implants made of metal. Heightened sensitivities or allergies are the most common issues that you can experience with metallic implant posts. Fortunately, zirconia implants overcome these issues and blend well with the natural teeth of patients. Naturally white, durable, and strong, this implant offers a metal-free alternative for teeth replacement. 

Types of Dental Implants

Once you decide which material is appropriate, next comes the type in your implant selection guide. The common classification of dental implants Chandler includes the following types: 

Single Tooth Implants: A Perfect Replacement

Single-tooth implants are ideal for replacing one missing tooth. They offer a permanent solution that looks and feels natural. These implants prevent bone loss and maintain the health of surrounding teeth.

Multiple Teeth Implants: Filling the Gaps

For those missing several teeth, multiple teeth implants are an excellent choice. They can support bridges, filling gaps without affecting adjacent teeth. This option provides a secure, long-lasting solution for multiple tooth loss.

Implant-Supported Dentures: Enhanced Stability

Implant-supported dentures offer a stable alternative to traditional dentures. They snap onto implants, ensuring they stay in place. This type enhances chewing and speaking, making them more comfortable than regular dentures.

All-on-4 Implants: A Full-Mouth Restoration

All-on-4 implants are perfect for those needing a full arch replacement. This method uses four implants to support a full set of teeth. All-on-4 offers a cost-effective and time-efficient solution for extensive tooth loss.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Whether you choose single or All-on-4 dental implants made of zirconia, titanium, or other durable materials, they offer many perks. Let’s discuss the top advantages one by one.

Longevity and Durability: Dental implants are designed to last many years. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. They are more durable than bridges or dentures, offering a more permanent solution.

Improved Oral Health: Implants help to preserve the structure of your jawbone. They prevent bone loss that often follows tooth loss. By preserving bone density, implants keep your facial structure intact.

Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. They are designed to match your teeth' color and shape. This makes them a popular choice for those seeking a natural appearance. 

How to Choose the Right Implant?

Are you still thinking about which implant solution can replace your teeth, ensuring natural-looking results and proper functionality? Here are a few tips to help with your implant selection. 

Consulting with a Specialist

Consult your dentist Chandler to choose the right kind of prosthetic dental device. They will assess your oral health and recommend the best option. Factors like bone density, location of the missing tooth, and overall health are considered.

Cost Considerations

The cost of dental implants can vary. Titanium implants are affordable in comparison to zirconia. All-on-4 implants may be cost-effective for full-mouth restorations. Discussing your smile goals or tooth replacement requirements with your dentist is essential before investing in implant surgeries.

Replacement Teeth Maintenance: Post-Implant Care

Once you find the ideal dental implants for your new smile, caring for them becomes more essential. Here’s how to care for your implant post-placement, ensuring they serve as natural teeth for decades. 

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is very important after getting implants. So, brush and floss regularly to prevent infections. Besides, regular dental check-ups ensure your implants stay in good condition.

Dietary Adjustments

Avoid hard or sticky foods immediately after the procedure. Dentists often recommend gradually reintroducing these foods as you heal. Remember, a balanced diet promotes overall oral health.

If you have lost a single tooth or multiple teeth and are looking for a permanent replacement, implants can be great. Consider the biocompatibility, comfortability, maintenance, and costs when choosing between zirconia, titanium, or other materials for implant placement procedures. 

You can always approach your nearby dentist in Chandler to recommend the right material or type of dental prosthetic. Make sure you take the help of an implant specialist to yield all the benefits of this tooth-replacement solution.


3 min read

May 22



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